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About Hideout.

“With hide-outs, you can sit back and relax.” Zhàn Guó Cè


孟嘗君 Mengchang (“Meng”) was one of the Four Lords of the Warring States Period. Meng had thousands of entourages. Feng Xuan (“Feng”) was one of them. One day, Lord Meng asked Feng to collect overdue taxes from Xue and use the taxes collected to shop for goods needed on the way back.  When Feng arrived, he collected taxes from the wealthy but waived the poor debtors by burning the I.O.U.s.  He then praised Lord Meng’s care for the disadvantaged. Upon his return, Lord Meng was infuriated but Feng said he had “bought” back loyalty, which is most needed in Meng’s household. A few years later, Lord Meng was forced to flee to Xue, where he received warm welcome from the people. He was grateful of Feng, but Feng replied having one hideout is far from enough. Later, Feng further made two more hideouts for Meng by persuading King of Wei and King of Qi that Meng was an ideal Chancellor candidate for both kingdoms. The two kingdoms competed fiercely to poach Meng. Finally, Feng congratulated Lord Meng, saying, “My lord, now you can rest assured with three hideouts.”

孟嘗君是戰國時期著名的“四公子”之一,喜歡結交有能力的人成為「門客」,馮諼便是其中之一。 某日,孟嘗君指派馮諼前往封邑薛地收債,馮到達後只要求比較富裕的人還款,同時把無力償還的債卷收回,當著眾人面前燒毀,又讚頌這是孟嘗君的恩德。馮諼回去向孟嘗君覆命,孟非常生氣,馮諼說道:「你家中樣樣俱備,欠缺的只是民眾的情義,我現在只是將情義買回。」數年後,孟嘗君官場失意, 落難逃回薛地,民眾夾道歡迎,孟嘗君此時方明白馮諼的用意,連忙致謝,但馮諼卻認為:「狡猾的兔子有三洞才可免去厄運,孟嘗君只有一洞並不足夠。」於是,他連續用計使齊王及魏王爭相招攬孟嘗君為相,以圖壯大本國的國力,使孟嘗君日後無後顧之憂。此時,馮諼才放心向孟嘗君說:「主公,我已經為你營造好三個洞了。」

Based on the story of “Three Hideouts”, our company always consider from the position of our clients to provide tailor-made consulting and crisis management services. We aimed at creating hideouts for our clients to sit back and relax.




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